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General Contest Rules

Torres Media

The New K Country 93.7


These general contest rules (“General Contest Rules”) apply to contests operated by Torres Media Georgina Inc. The New K Country 93.7 FM, unless there are specific contest rules for a particular Contest, in which case those specific contest rules will apply. By entering a Contest, entrants agree to be legally bound by these General Contest Rules, and will be deemed to have read and understood these General Contest Rules.

1. Who is eligible?

Unless otherwise stated, to enter and to be eligible to win, the entrant must be a legal resident of Ontario and be eighteen (18) years of age or older. Employees and their parents, siblings and children, and persons domiciled with an employee of any of the Contest Sponsor(s), its/their agents, parent, affiliated or related companies, subsidiaries, divisions, prize sponsors, and promotional and advertising agencies and administrators are ineligible to enter.

2. Prizing & Contest Period

The details of the prize(s) available to be won (including the number and the approximate retail value of the prize(s) available to be won), the duration and timing of a Contest and any other relevant information of a Contest will be identified through applicable promotional materials, by the on-air host and/or on The New K Country 93.7 website (as applicable) at the start (or before the start) of the Contest. Prize(s) may not be exactly as advertised. Prize(s) must be accepted as awarded, may not be sold, transferred and are not convertible to cash. Torres Media Georgina Inc. reserves the right to substitute a prize, in whole or in part, in the event all or any component of a prize is unavailable. Limit of one prize per household per Contest.

3. Contest Entry 

No purchase necessary to enter a Contest. Unless otherwise stated, there is a limit of one entry per person per day per Contest. To enter a Contest, follow the instructions given on-air, on The New K Country 93.7 website and/or via our social networking page (described below), as applicable. For call-in entry: Without limiting the foregoing, if entry in a Contest occurs via calling-in to The New K Country 93.7, call-in using the telephone number provided on-air when prompted in order to be the caller who places the call or text received in the position indicated by the program host (e.g. the 8th caller/text). If you are such caller, you may be deemed a potential winner and you may also be required to follow the instructions of The New K Country 93.7 host to validate your eligibility (e.g. identify a song).

i. For online entry

Without limiting the foregoing, if entry in a Contest occurs online, visit The New K Country 93.7 website during the applicable Contest entry period and follow the on-screen instructions on the applicable Contest’s webpage to complete and submit the online entry form. For entry via social media: Without limiting the foregoing, if entry in a Contest occurs via one or several of the official social networking pages for The New K Country 93.7, entry must occur during the applicable Contest entry period by means of the applicable third party service or site (each, a “Third Party Service”). To enter a Contest by means of a Third Party Service, you must have a valid account with the applicable Third Party Service and are solely responsible to ensure that your account settings allow The New K Country 93.7 to view your account as required to administer the applicable Contest (failing which, you may be disqualified). By creating an account with a Third Party Service, you agree to comply with such

4. Requirements for Photo, Video or Written Submissions

From time to time, a Contest entry mechanism may require you to submit an original photograph, video, written composition (i.e. essay, comment or story) or another form of original submission (each, a “Submission”) to The New K Country 93.7., subject to instructions provided by The New K Country 93.7 and/or its representatives. Submissions must be original and must not include any third party’s proprietary content. Torres Media Georgina Inc.. in its sole and absolute discretion may: (1) disqualify any entrant who uses third party proprietary content, at any time; (2) edit any Submission to blur out any trade-marks or to remove any copyrighted content, including but not limited to, music or video clips, as applicable; and/or (iii) disqualify any Submission that involves anything illegal, potentially or actually dangerous or harmful or containing any element of physical risk. Submissions must not contain any reference to, or likeness of, any identifiable third parties unless consent has been obtained from all such individuals and their parent/legal guardian if they are under the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence. Submissions must not include any illegal, defamatory or in any way obscene content. Submissions cannot be a parody or derogatory. Submissions remain the property of the entrant, however by entering a Contest, each entrant: (1) represents and warrants that his/her Submission is her or her original work and does not infringe on any third party rights, including, without limitation, copyright, trade-mark or any other intellectual property rights; (2) represents and warrants that he/she has all necessary rights from any third party that appears, or is mentioned, in the Submission, including those from the parent or legal guardian if third party is under the age of majority; (3) grants Torres Media Georgina Inc. an unlimited, royalty free, irrevocable, right and license to reproduce, post and/or broadcast the Submission in any form of media now known or hereinafter developed; (4) waives all moral rights in the Submission in favour of Torres Media Georgina Inc.; (5) agrees to release, indemnify, discharge and hold harmless Torres Media Georgina Inc. from any claim or liability arising from or related to the Submission; and (6) consents to the publication and/or use, in any medium of the Submission for the purpose of administering the applicable Contest and publicity purposes carried out by Torres Media Georgina Inc. and/or its advertising and promotional agencies without payment or compensation of any kind. Submissions may be showcased by Torres Media Georgina Inc. at its sole and absolute discretion on a public viewing gallery. Torres Media Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims against infringement of the right of privacy with respect to any Submission.

5. Prize Draw

For Contests where the winner is selected from entries received, a random draw for the prize(s) will take place by a Station representative from all eligible entries received during the applicable Contest period. The potential prize winner will be contacted using the information provided at the time of entry. In the event a potential prize winner cannot be contacted within five (5) business days after the draw, as determined by Torres Media Georgina Inc. at its sole discretion, or if these General Contest Rules are not adhered to by a potential prize winner, such potential prize winner will be disqualified and will forfeit all rights to the applicable prize.

i. Awarding of Prize(s)

Proof of identification must be provided upon request. In order to be declared a prize winner, each potential winner must first: (1) correctly answer, unaided, a time limited mathematical skill testing question administered by Torres Media Georgina Inc. General Contest Rules

6. General Rules

These general contest rules (“General Contest Rules”) apply to contests (each, a “Contest”) operated by Torres Media Inc. at The New K Country 93.7, unless there are specific contest rules for a particular Contest, in which case those specific contest rules will apply. By entering a Contest, entrants agree to be legally bound by these General Contest Rules, and will be deemed to have read and understood these General Contest Rules.

7. Odds of Winning

For call-in Contests, the odds of winning will depend on the number of eligible calls received. For Contests with online entries (including Contest where entry occurs via social media), the odds of winning will depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Contest period.

8. Decisions

All decisions of The New K Country 93.7 or Torres Media Georgina Inc. with respect to any aspect of a Contest are final and binding on all entrants without right of appeal. Contests are subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations. ANY ENTRANT DEEMED BY TORRES MEDIA GEORGINA INC. TO BE IN VIOLATION OF THESE GENERAL CONTEST RULES FOR ANY REASON IS SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION IN THE SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION OF TORRES MEDIA GEORGINA INC. AT ANY TIME.

9. Contest Entry

By entering a Contest, each entrant fully releases Torres Media Georgina Inc., its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, prize suppliers, advertising/promotion agencies and any other entity involved in the development, production, administration, or fulfillment of the applicable Contest from all liability of any kind relating to the Contest or his/her participation therein, including, without limitation, any liability related to: (1) any failure of the a website; (2) any technical malfunction or other problems of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, those relating to the telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software; (3) the failure of any entry or other information to be received, captured or recorded for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website; (iv) any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer or other device related to or resulting from participating in a Contest; and/or (v) any combination of the above.

10. Rights

Torres Media Georgina Inc. reserves the right to cancel, modify or suspend a Contest or to amend these General Contest Rules at any time and in any way, without prior notice, for any reason whatsoever. Without limiting the foregoing, if for any reason, in the opinion of Torres Media Georgina Inc. in its sole and absolute discretion, a Contest is not capable of running as originally planned, for example as a result of tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, mechanical manipulation or any other causes beyond its control, Torres Media Inc. reserves its right to amend, cancel or suspend the applicable Contest and/or conduct a random draw from all previously received eligible entries. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Torres Media Georgina Inc. reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to administer an alternate test of skill as it deems appropriate based on the circumstances and/or to comply with applicable law.

11. Personal Information

By entering a Contest, each entrant consents to the collection, use and distribution of his/her personal information (information that identifies an entrant as an individual, such as home telephone number, age and home address) by Torres Media Georgina Inc. for the purposes of implementing, administering and fulfilling the applicable contest. Torres Media Georgina Inc. will not sell or transmit this information to third parties except for the purposes of administering the applicable Contest. Any inquiry concerning the personal information held by Torres Media Georgina Inc. should be addressed to The New K Country 93.7. This section does not limit any other consent(s) that an individual may provide Torres Media Inc. or others in relation to the collection, use and/or disclosure of their personal information. Where a Contest can be entered via a Third Party Service, you understand that any personal information you share with such Third Party Service may also be used on that Third Party Service as set out in that Third Party Service’s own privacy policy.

12. Consent

For greater certainty, each prize claimant consents to the use of their name, city of residence, likeness, comments, photograph or voice, without further compensation, in any future publicity carried out by The New K Country 93.7 in connection with the applicable Contest.

13. Identity Dispute

If the identity of an entrant is in dispute, the authorized account holder of the email submitted at the time of entry (if provided) will be deemed to be the entrant. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an internet access provider, on-line service provider, or other organization (e.g. business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the e-mail address in question (if provided).


Prize Pick-up FAQ’s


Monday through Thursday – 9:00am to 5:00pm. Please call before coming to pick up prize to ensure someone is here to greet you. 365-229-0937


449 The Queensway South
2nd Floor
Keswick, ON
L4P 2C9

You’ll need a driver’s license, birth certificate, or another official government issued photo I.D. In some specific cases, (i.e. trip winners) parents or legal guardians will be required in-person to sign a waiver form on the winner’s behalf.

Someone you know can, however, if you want someone else to pick up your prize, they must come with a signed letter from you and a photocopy of your official I.D. (driver’s license, birth certificate or another official government issued I.D. that has your signature). Be sure to photocopy the side with your signature. The letter must also name who will be picking up your prize and include their home telephone number.. Please note the prize that you won and the date of winning.

30 days – Unless your prize is something like movie passes which may expire sooner.